The Sportive is back on Sunday 22nd September 2024 and will take place in the stunning countryside of East Lothian and the Scottish Borders. All three routes involve hills although the medium and long routes are especially challenging with longer distances that involve long climbs up into the Lammermuirs. 

    Short route – 46 miles 

    • Perfect for the 1st time Sportive rider. Follow the beautiful and famous East Lothian Golf Coast Road and then into the hills via Gifford to test the legs.

      Generally downhill from here back to the coast at Longniddry and to the finish.

    • Medium route – 68 miles

      A fairly tough ride awaits you after the flat ride out to North Berwick. Things kick upwards with a long climb up into the Lammermuirs and over the infamous ‘Rigg’. But then it’s pretty much downhill all the way back but with a couple of ‘testers’ on the way.

    • Long route – 102 miles

      A truly epic day in the saddle awaits after the flat ride out to North Berwick.  Up and over the Lammermuirs and down onto the delightfully quiet roads of the Scottish Borders.  Loop round by Chirnside before refuelling at Duns for the long haul back over the hills into East Lothian.

    Price: £40

    Entry Includes: 

    • Mechanical support
    • Food and water stations
    • Coffee at the start
    • Tea & Toast at the finish
    • ‘King and Queen of The Heugh’
    • Timed hill climb
    • Sweeper service
    • and a finishers gift

    Poppyscotland Sportive The Sportive will be back on Sunday 24th September 2023 and will take place in the stunning countryside of East Lothian and the Scottish Borders. All three routes involve hills although the medium and long routes are especially challenging with longer distances that involve long climbs up into the Lammermuirs. Find out more

    Book a place

    Ticket Quantity Price

    Sportive 2024 - Registration

    Decrease Increase £40.00


    Item Quantity Price

    Poppyscotland Sportive Medal - Pick it up on the day

    Decrease Increase £5.00